Children’s hands and mouths are different than adults. They need to use toothbrushes designed for children. Both adults and children should use brushes with soft, rounded bristles for gentle cleaning. Change to a new brush about every three months.

For most toddlers, getting them to brush their teeth can be quite a challenge.

Wipe infant’s teeth gently with a moist, soft cloth or gauze square at least twice a day, especially before sleeping. As babies grow, use a child’s extra soft toothbrush with a small, pea-sized dab of toothpaste. By age two or three begin to teach your child to brush. You will still need to brush where they miss.

When children are seven to eight years old they are usually able to brush on their own. Flossing can be more challenging and this skill develops around age nine.

Hold the brush at an angle (forth five degrees) towards teeth and gums. Move brush back and forth with short strokes, about a half tooth wide.

When to begin Brushing?

Once your child’s teeth begin erupting, you can begin cleaning them by wiping them with a moist washcloth. As your child gets more teeth, you can begin to use a soft child’s toothbrush. You should use just a pea-size amount of fluoride toothpaste or a non-fluoride toothpaste until your child is able to spit it out. Be sure to ask us about child-friendly flavored toothpaste.

Brushing Technique

  • Brush the inside and outside surfaces of each tooth, top and bottom.
  • Hold the brush flat on top of the teeth and brush the chewing surfaces.
  • Gently brush the tongue to remove debris.
  • Floss between teeth daily.
Some suggestions for making tooth brushing less of a battle can include:
  • Letting him brush your teeth at the same time
  • Letting him pick out a few toothbrushes with his favorite characters and giving him a choice of which one he wants to use each time (This will give him some feeling of control over the situation.)
  • Try an inexpensive battery-operated brush to add fun to the task.
  • Let him brush his own teeth first. You will likely have to "help out."
  • Use child-friendly flossing aids.
  • Use a stepstool and mirror to help him be proud of his results.
  • Have everyone brush their teeth at the same time.
  • Continue to encourage healthy habits even if your child is resistant. You will be pleased with the long-term results.

To help him understand the importance of brushing, it can be sometimes fun and helpful to let him eat or drink something that will “stain” his teeth temporarily and then let him brush them clean.

It can also be a good idea to create a “tooth brushing routine” and stick to the same routine each day. Tooth brushing and flossing charts can motivate older children, although the ultimate motivation is a parent’s joyful approval of a child who has clean teeth.